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Hi! I'm Sid Sivakumar, a medical/graduate student and puzzle writer based in St. Louis, MO. 


I don't update this website much anymore, but you might enjoy solving the puzzles here. They're mostly relics of the pandemic era, when I had a lot of free time to construct, and I had a stack of crosswords (including ones rejected from newspapers) that I wanted the world to see. So I personally see this website as a time capsule — and I think the puzzles are best appreciated in that light. 


I don't have active plans to resurrect Sid's Grids right now, but I know a time will come when I write a puzzle that just belongs in this space. Until then, you can find my work in lots of other places — and you're most welcome to drop me a line, so long as you're kind. :) 


'Til soon, 


- Sid



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Not tired of me yet? See more of my work in other places.

All content copyright Sid Sivakumar.

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