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Puzzle #18: Themeless (by Matthew Stock)

Sid Sivakumar

Downloads: pdf, puz, solution

Excited to have a debut guest puzzle today by my friend and fellow constructor Matthew Stock! Matthew is a 23-year-old high school math teacher and puzzle enthusiast also based in St. Louis, MO. He writes some of the liveliest clues I've ever read (today's are no exception), and I've had the pleasure of collaborating with him on several puzzles I hope you get to see very soon. You can also follow his puzzly musings on Twitter (@1MatthewStock).

Stay warm, and happy solving!

- Sid

From Matthew:

Hi y’all! Stoked to be making a guest appearance today with my first puzzle published anywhere on the web. Collaborating and talking puzzles with Sid has been a blast since I moved to St. Louis over the summer — bonus thanks to him for sharing several great grid options for 9x midis. 10-A and 21-A were my seed entries for this one, and I tried to throw in as much fun short stuff as possible, too. Enjoy!


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All content copyright Sid Sivakumar.

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