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Puzzle #23: "Call Me By My Name" (with Matthew Stock)

Sid Sivakumar

Downloads: pdf, puz, solution

More puzzles? Sure! Happy to feed your voracious puzzle appetite during this (hopefully brief) era of social distancing.

Today's theme was born out of a text (spoilers) that Matthew sent me this afternoon. We quickly brainstormed some more examples — but the real magic happened when I stumbled upon the grid pattern you see here. It's unusual to have bonus fill that's longer than the theme entries, but when it works out so nicely, it's quite beautiful. Matthew is to thank for the brilliant clues — give him a follow!

Disclaimers: We know that 58-A is kind of a cheat for this theme, and hope you'll forgive us. We also know that the themers all fall into a certain demographic — but we'd like to think that's a bit of commentary ...

Wishing you the best of health,

- Sid


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